We take health and safety very seriously and only want the best for your fuzzy family member. Please review our vaccination requirements and policies call us today to schedule!
Puppy Care
Lay the foundation for a well-adjusted, confident adult dog. In their exclusive front spot at Sterling K9 Retreat, your pup will learn to temper fear and excitement by interacting in our busy environment. They will socialize with our attentive staff and every two hours get a brief walk to our babbling brook, giving them experience on a lead and helping them with potty training. At Sterling, we make early socialization fun, ensuring your furry friend grows up with the best behaviors and experiences.
We have reading material just for your family in mind. Click on the following or ask
us about our Orientation Day Process , and Owner Page.

Our Puppy Private Enrichment Features
Our Puppy Private Enrichment program is crafted for pups aged 2 to 6 months who haven't received all their vaccinations yet. We're dedicated to setting the stage for your young canine companion, guiding them towards becoming sociable and well-adjusted adults.
Ready for the Big Park?
Safe Spots for Tiny Paws
For our youngest attendees (2-4 months) without full vaccinations, we've designated exclusive front spots. We mix routines, socialization (with their surroundings) and attention to keep your puppy engaged, confident, and on their best behavior.
Pups aged 4-6 months with complete vaccinations are in for a treat! After a thorough evaluation, they're introduced to our lively parks, where play and socialization (mainly with other pups) take center stage.
Enrichment Play Programs
The foundation of our enrichment puppy play programs is structure. Sessions are timed and include:
Manners Training
Potty Training
The use of FitPAWS® and Blue-9™ equipment designed to tone up your dog’s body, increase core strength, stabilize weak areas, improve body awareness, coordination, range of motion, confidence, our bond with your dog, and more.
Our Private enrichment rooms are designed with the use of K9 Grass®.
Chill time accompanied with a puzzle toy, treat, one-on-one time with a staff member
Nap time